Eunshin Byon

Professor and Richard Wilson Faculty Scholar

Industrial and Operations Engineering
University of Michigan
1205 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI  48109-2117

Office: 2773 IOE
Phone: (734)764-6565
e-mail: [email protected]

Eunshin Byon


  • Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Ph.D.
  • KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), South Korea, Industrial and Systems Engineering, M.S.
  • KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), South Korea, Industrial and Systems Engineering, B.S.


  • Professor, Industrial and Operational Engineering, University of Michigan, 9/2024-
  • Associate professor, Industrial and Operational Engineering, University of Michigan, 9/2017-8/2024
  • Associate professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan (Courtesy appointment), 9/2017-08/2020
  • Assistant professor, Industrial and Operational Engineering, University of Michigan, 9/2011-8/2017
  • Assistant professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan (Courtesy appointment), 5/2015-8/2017
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Texas A&M University, 6/2010-8/2011

Research Interests

  • Data Science 
  • Digital Twin Calibration and Uncertainty Quantification
  • Reliability Engineering, Fault Diagnosis, and Operations & Maintenance Optimization 
  • Sequential Computer Experiments
  • Energy & Sustainability
Latest News
  • (November 2024) Prof. Byon provided the INFORMS QSR webinar titled “Digital Twin Calibration with Big Data.” The recorded video is available at
  • (September 2024) Cheoljoon Jeong (Ph.D candidate) won the Best Student Paper Competition Finalist in the INFORMS QSR section.
  • (May 2024) Dr. Byon received the teaching award from the QCRE division of IISE.
  • (Dec 2023) Cheoljoon Jeong (Ph. D candidate) is selected as one of the first cohort of the University of Michigan Institute for Energy Solutions (IES) Graduate Fellows (2024-2025).
  • (May 2023) Dr. Byon received a University Research Project grant from Ford Motor Company (May 2023-April 2025)
  • (May 2023) Cheoljoon Jeong (Ph. D candidate) was awarded the IOE Wilson Prize for our paper  “Multi-block Parameter Calibration in Computer Models.”
  • (April 2023) Dr. Byon has been named a Richard Wilson Faculty Scholar, a three-year endowed faculty award that honors excellence in teaching, research, and service.
  • (December 2022) Dr. Byon received an NSF grant for the project entitled “Collaborative Research: Calibrating Digital Twins in the Era of Big Data with Stochastic Optimization” in collaboration with Dr. Sara Shashaani at NCSU (Jan 2023-Dec 2025).
  • (October 2022) Dr. Byon received the 2022 Best Associate Editor (AE) award of INFORMS Journal on Data Science.
  • (August 2022) Our paper “Optimal budget allocation for stochastic simulation with importance sampling: exploration vs. replication” is featured by the Editor-in-Chief in the 2022 August Issue in ISE magazine.
  • (July 2021) Cheoljoon Jeong (Ph. D student) has been selected as the recipient of the IOE Bonder fellowship for dissertation research in applied operations research.
  • (May 2021) Dr. Byon received the 2021 Department Faculty Award.
  • (April 2021) Youngchan Jang (Ph. D student) successfully finished his PhD study in 2021 and joined Korea Army Research Center for Future & Innovation (KARFI).
  • (May 2021) Cheoljoon Jeong (PhD student) and Ziang Xu (Master’s student) won the Best Paper Finalist in the 2021 IISE Data Analytics & Information Systems subdivision with the paper “Season-dependent Parameter Calibration in Building Energy Simulation”
  • (May 2021) Bingje Liu (Ph. D student) won the Best Student Paper Finalist and Best Paper Finalist in the 2021 IISE Data Analytics & Information Systems subdivision with the paper “Parameter calibration in wake effect simulation model with stochastic gradient descent and stratified sampling”
  • (January 2021) Bingjie Liu (Ph. D student) successfully finished her PhD study in 2020 and joined Zhejiang University as a postdoc researcher.